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  • Bob Frankston
  • Member since Mar 7, 2006
    Total Posted: 1
    Total Comments: 0
  • About: I’ve been working with computers since 1963. I graduated phone wire networking being one result.

    I am now on my own pursuing a number of projects among them, trying to explain the larger concepts of IP everywhere (see the essays for more).

By Bob Frankston:

  • Today's Carrier Networks as Trollways?
  • As I keep pointing out -- there is indeed a viable alternative of a real marketplace not a fake one. Today's system is a fake because it depends on capturing the value of the application - communications - in the transport and that is no longer possible because with the Internet the value is created OUTSIDE the network. One example of the collateral damage caused by today's approach is the utter lack of simple wireless connectivity. Another is that we have redundant capital intensive bit paths whose only purpose is to contain bits within billing paths. ›››